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Kinds of vegan lifestyle

It might be little surprising for few of us that vegan lifestyle has verious kinds based on how we make changes in our lives besed on our understanding about veganism.

Dietary Vegan

The most common type of veganism is dietary veganism, which focuses on avoiding animal products in food. This type of veganism avoids meat, dairy, eggs, and any other animal-derived products. People who follow dietary veganism may choose to do so for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.

Ethical Vegan

Another type of veganism is ethical veganism, which goes beyond diet and also avoids products that are tested on animals or contain animal-derived ingredients. This type of veganism extends to clothing, cosmetics, and other products. People who follow ethical veganism may choose to do so because of their beliefs about the treatment of animals and the environment.

Environmental vegan

Environmental veganism is another type of veganism where the focus is on the impact on the environment and avoiding animal products for the same reasons. The person who is environment vegan can also be called as green vegan

Whole-food plant based vegan

Whole-food plant-based veganism is another type of veganism which focuses on eating whole food plant based meals, it avoid processed foods and focus on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The person also called plant based vegan.

Flexible vegan

There's also a type of veganism called Flexitarian veganism, where people follow a mostly plant-based diet but occasionally eat animal products. This can be seen as a transition to a full vegan lifestyle and can be helpful for people who are making the transition to a vegan diet.

It's important to note that veganism is a personal choice and can look different for everyone. The most important thing is to make choices that align with your values and do your best to reduce harm and exploitation as much as you can. Each type of veganism has it's own unique set of beliefs and priorities, and it's up to the individual to decide which approach works best for them.

It's also worth noting that it is possible to follow more than one type of veganism, and some people may shift between types at different points in their lives. For example, someone may start with dietary veganism and then later move on to ethical veganism.

Ultimately, the goal of all types of veganism is to reduce harm and exploitation of animals and the environment, and to promote compassion and sustainability. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, in any form, you're making a positive impact on the world and joining a community of like-minded individuals who are working towards a better future for all.

We hope you found this information on the different types of veganism interesting and informative. Remember, veganism is a personal choice and there is no one right way to be vegan. Explore different types of veganism and choose the one that aligns with your values and lifestyle. We encourage you to explore our other pages to learn more about the various aspects of veganism, its nutritional aspect, environmental impact, ethical considerations, and check out our recipe section to try out delicious plant-based meals.